
Friday, January 05, 2007

Tyler and Jacob enjoyed playing on Tyler's new play box! Posted by Picasa

Tyler enjoyed playing on his new bouncing zebra! Posted by Picasa

Tyler was fascinated by the fire Grandpa Bubba built! Posted by Picasa

Jacob and Tyler both enjoyed a new gift from Ginny! Posted by Picasa

AuntE read the Christmas Story at our Christmas Day dinner, which was a treat! As you can see, Tyler loved it! Posted by Picasa

We read Tyler the Christmas Story on Christmas morning, which was neat! AND Tyler took his first two steps on his own that morning - exciting! Posted by Picasa

"Old MacDonald" became a fast favorite from Tyler's new toy! Posted by Picasa

Tyler really liked all the "must touch" lights and bulbs on the tree! Posted by Picasa

With a little help, Tyler started to figure out what to do with his bagged gifts: pull out the paper with vigor! Posted by Picasa

Now, there's a HAPPY boy! Posted by Picasa

Grandpa Bubba and Tyler enjoyed playing with Tyler's new large legos! Posted by Picasa

Tyler sure likes his great-grandma! And, he loves her cane, Fred, too! Posted by Picasa

Tyler mimicked Ginny when she was singing "Fa, la, la, la, la..." from "Deck the Halls"! Too cute! Posted by Picasa